4X4: 16 Questions with David Steca

A Porsche 924 carving through the backroads of Germany with a kayak on top of it isn’t an everyday sight for most of us. But for David Steca, a freelance photographer, videographer, and car enthusiast this is the culmination of his favorite things. We sat down with David to learn more about what he does and how deep his obsession with 924’s runs.

Best thing you’ve seen while adventuring?
The sunrise right after waking up. Doesn‘t matter if it is warm or cold, the feeling of a new dawn is impossible to beat.
Sum up your life’s philosophy in 3 words?
It is possible.

You’re going on a road trip – which three people do you take, dead or alive?
My wife, her brother and my son. She is my partner in crime. He is my best bud and by far the best support one could ever ask for. And my son because the world needs to be seen, and the responsibility to show him is mine.
How did you end up with a Porsche 924 after having your beautiful Range Rover Classic?
My first car was a 924. And second, and third. Then the Rover. And by pure chance after we got back from our year-or-so on the road in the Rover another 24 came my way. They are very good at a lot of things, which is why I am now back to using one daily.

How have you been restoring this beautiful 924 S?
Again, pure chance. The car was ‚deal‘. An ambitious project using my skills behind the camera as a trade for a white 24S and all the parts to make it great. Labour, as usual, was my problem. Some hundreds of hours went in I‘d say…
You have been choosing the Pfalz instead of going to Scotland for covid reasons – but the imagery shows such a beautiful scenery. Do you think you have to travel far to have a great adventure?
Yes and no. I most certainly learned a lot about backyard beauty, and how little I knew about the places I grew up around. If you want the Highlands, you can‘t get that feeling anywhere else. Sometimes it is a marvelous thing to be limited.

What’s is the best situation which happened during the trip?
First night, ambitions were high. Temps were dropping rapidly. The night was a terrible mess of April but kinda deep winter feels paired with frost. The next morning, however tired we were though, was absolutely beautiful. That and getting to go out on the water in the pitch black of night for a sunrise we didn‘t get. The water was beautiful.
What was the piece of Front Runner gear you used the most?
That‘s an easy one - the Wolf Pack. In a car as small as the 24 organization is key. With three packs in the back we could easily separate the different things and still have fast access. Italso doubles as a stool and a table if you‘re as tight on stuff as we were.

Must have piece of technology while traveling?
Swiss army knife. Not quite the fancy thing, but it can do a lot for you in a lot of situations. Second would be a good flashlight. Out and about it gets dark, a lot darker than one remembered it to be.
What camera were you shooting on and how’d it do?
Blackmagic Design Pocket 6K. Wicked overkill and somewhat of a struggle, but the image is just so nice. For the underwater stuff we used a Pocket 4K.

If you had to choose between video and photography, what would you choose?
Photography, because it doesn‘t take as much time until you can get to the result. Film has a much higher reward at the end though.
How did you get into photography?
Real short version: Wanted to do some engineering degree but decided to try that first. Now I am restoring old cars and have a camera thing. Funny how life works out.

What are you most grateful for?
I want to thank everyone who gave me a shot. All I got to do was possible purely because someone somewhere decided to give me a try, despite my resume not suggesting I‘d be up for it.
What’s on your road trip playlist?
That wildy depends on the mood and day. Lord of the Rings, Taylor Swift, Frank Sinatra, Vivaldi and then some Timbaland?

What’s your nickname?
Just going by David, nothing else stuck around …
Any similarities between the Pfalz and Baltic Sea?
Honestly, a nice stretch of road is a nice stretch of road no matter the coordinates. Tune into the bend and flow.