Love my Dometic storage box!
Love my Dometic storage box! Front Runner Outfitters is the best company, they have great customer service & got my order to quickly!
Kelly S.
Dometic’s Hard Storage lets you store essential outdoor gear in one place, making it simple to grab off the shelf or floor and slide it into your trunk and get out there.
Dometic’s Hard Storage lets you store essential outdoor gear in one place, making it simple to grab off the shelf or floor and slide it into your trunk and get out there.
Consists of:
1 x Portable Hard Storage 50l, Slate
Product Dimensions:
446mm(17.57") L x 586mm(23.08") W x 310mm(12.19") H
4.5kg (9.92lbs)
Special Notes:
SKU: 9600051030
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