Promoting new ways to travel through, explore and enjoy the amazing world around us is our business. We wouldn't have a business, or much else, without the natural wonders of the great outdoors. At Front Runner we strive to find a healthy balance between participating in our environment and protecting our environment.
Here are a few ways we're trying to make difference:
We are members of Tread Lightly - a non profit organization that promotes responsible outdoor recreation through ethics education and stewardship.
Front Runner's core products are lightweight and designed to last. Our roof racks and accessories are made from corrosion free stainless steel and aluminum. These racks and gear will never see a landfill in our generation, or for that matter, our grandchildren's generation. These vehicle accessories will get used and re-used. And re-used again.
We understand the need to utilize our planet's limited resources wisely. And by keeping our vehicles and our accessories lighter, we'll not only use less gas, but have less actual impact on the environment.
We strive to eliminate as much waste in packaging and shipping our products. We encourage our vendors to do the same. While we can't avoid using cardboard boxes, we do our best to eliminate all packaging except the minimal amount needed to keep the products safe until they are safe in your hands. We encourage our customers to re-use their shipping containers or recycle them. We even use biodegradable packing peanuts to supplement our recycled packing peanuts.
As our business grows, we will constantly seek out new innovations that will help us explore the earth while sustaining and supporting the environment. If we can lessen our environmental impact while continually educating ourselves and our customers about the care and protection of the world around us, we will sleep well at night. Snug in a roof top tent, on our Front Runner Rack, someplace stunning, of course.