Camping is a much happier and more fulfilling experience if you have all the right gear to make it comfortable and dry. We recently did a feature on why you might need a roof rack, and in it, we concluded that a rack helps to solve the lack of vehicle packing space. (see link to article here) This is why you see many vehicles with roof racks when camping, overlanding, or road-tripping. They’re just incredible gear or equipment carriers.
With over 55 accessories available for Front Runner’s various roof rack systems, one can customize and configure a rack in endless ways. This article, is all about camping, and if you did put one of the rugged, modular Front Runner racks on your vehicle, which accessories will help to make you a happy camper?

Roof rack
Front Runner has several lightweight yet solid racks in their range that would all comfortably carry your camping gear. They’re the strongest rack on the market Slimline II Rack, Slimpro Van Rack, and the sleeker Slimsport Rack. They’ve suitable rack options for a van, SUV, boxy off-roader, pickup cab or load bed, or even a regular sedan. Our best advice is to chat with an experienced salesperson and find out which rack is best for your car camping adventures.

Tent on rack
If you want a tent mounted on top of your vehicle, Front Runner’s Roof Top Tent is one of the lightest and most low-profile soft shell roof tent options. If you have a bulky ground tent in a bag, you could quickly secure it to the roof rack using the clever Front Runner Stratchits, clip the carabiner ends into the Black Tie Down Rings on either side of the tent, then pull it tight so that the tent is secure. Right, so that is your sleeping quarters sorted, then.

Water is heavy and bulky, especially if you’re taking along more than 10 liters, so why not use something like Front Runner’s Pro Water Tanks with Mounting System? They’re available in both a 20L and 42L option. It’s quick to mount these water tanks, but, most importantly, they’re out of the way yet easy to access when you need water.

Extra fuel
Fuel availability is an important consideration when planning trips to remote and faraway places. Fortunately, Front Runner has several rack-based solutions: Double Jerry Can Holder, Single Jerry Can Holder, and the Vertical Jerry Can Holder. The 20L black steel Jerry Can fits comfortably into these holders, while a Jerry Can Spout is a must-have to prevent spillage.

Storage for stuff
The best place to put spares, food, clothing, or cooking stuff is in the useful water and dust-resistant Wolf Pack Pro storage boxes; you can use the Mounting System to secure these boxes to the rack quickly. You’ll need to plan what goes where on your rack; food needs to be near the edge of the rack so it can be quickly accessed when you stop for a meal, while spares can be tucked out of the way as there is a good chance you won’t need them.

Mount it up
It doesn’t matter what you need for camping because there’s a good chance that Front Runner has the solution to mount it to your rack securely. This includes an axe, recovery tracks such as MAXTRAX, spade, bicycle, kayak, fishing rods, skis, surfboard, gas bottle, solar panel, spare wheel, hi-lift jack, shower arm, antenna, and many more.

Top of the awning
You need an awning to protect yourself from the sun and rain because you can’t spend your whole camping trip in a vehicle or tent. Awnings are available in various lengths and guises and are normally super quick and easy to put up. Nothing beats sitting under your awning’s shade while enjoying the views and fresh, cooling air.

Need more room?
If you have a roof top tent, changing in it is not the most practical. If you need more space, we suggest the Easy Out Awning Room, which attaches to the existing awning and can be used as a changing room or extra tent. Another option is to add an annex to your Front Runner Roof Top Tent, a simple way to create more sleeping or living space.

Need privacy?
Front Runner’s Rack Mount Shower Cubicle can be used for showering, changing in, or as an ablution room. No more excuses that you don’t want to camp because there are no toilets or showers. Take your own!

Congratulations. You have now used your vehicle’s rack to create a home away from home, with extra room, shower or toilet cubicle, lots of water, storage boxes, and just about anything else your camping heart desires. Happy camping.